Josh Jackson SF | 6'8" 5 Seasons View Basketball Monster Profile
Per Game
NBA 21-22 SAC 24 -0.76 391 -1.00 372 51 16.3 6.4 0.65 .254 2.8 1.1 0.51 0.43 .400 5.9 .714 1.5 0.9 1.7 -1.62 -1.01 -1.23 -1.12 -1.30 -0.50 -0.58 -0.44 0.97
NBA 20-21 DET 23 -0.54 258 -0.55 184 62 25.2 13.4 1.24 .300 4.1 2.3 0.84 0.76 .418 11.4 .729 3.5 2.3 2.9 -0.48 -0.47 -0.71 -0.58 -0.45 0.16 -1.06 -0.77 -0.51
NBA 19-20 MEM 22 -0.54 260 -0.70 243 22 17.3 9.0 1.05 .319 3.0 1.6 0.86 0.41 .440 7.2 .700 2.3 1.3 1.8 -1.17 -0.52 -1.16 -0.82 -0.30 -0.51 -0.40 -0.61 0.65
NBA 18-19 PHO 21 -0.54 261 -0.57 191 79 25.2 11.5 0.92 .324 4.4 2.3 0.92 0.71 .413 10.6 .671 2.7 2.2 2.6 -0.70 -0.50 -0.63 -0.52 -0.22 0.01 -1.03 -0.88 -0.42
NBA 17-18 PHO 20 -0.63 311 -0.69 236 77 25.4 13.1 0.74 .263 4.6 1.6 1.04 0.45 .417 12.1 .634 3.6 1.9 2.8 -0.39 -0.82 -0.40 -0.78 0.07 -0.38 -1.07 -1.85 -0.08
NBA 21-22 SAC 24 -0.83 339 -1.10 328 51 830 328 33 .254 141 54 26 22 .400 300 .714 77 47 88 -1.80 -1.12 -1.44 -1.18 -1.58 -0.68 -0.49 -0.30 1.15
NBA 20-21 DET 23 -0.48 199 -0.46 148 62 1560 828 77 .300 254 143 52 47 .418 708 .729 218 141 178 -0.32 -0.38 -0.54 -0.49 -0.26 0.30 -1.13 -0.81 -0.66
NBA 19-20 MEM 22 -0.87 348 -1.18 347 22 381 198 23 .319 66 35 19 9 .440 159 .700 50 29 40 -2.07 -1.18 -1.81 -1.27 -1.74 -0.94 -0.14 -0.22 1.52
NBA 18-19 PHO 21 -0.47 188 -0.44 143 79 1988 910 73 .324 347 183 73 56 .413 841 .671 213 173 209 -0.43 -0.43 -0.40 -0.38 0.07 0.20 -1.14 -0.97 -0.72
NBA 17-18 PHO 20 -0.57 244 -0.60 190 77 1959 1012 57 .263 351 120 80 35 .417 932 .634 279 147 218 -0.11 -0.67 -0.28 -0.71 0.31 -0.30 -1.23 -1.79 -0.32
Per 36
NBA 21-22 SAC 24 -0.49 339 -0.59 313 51 16.3 14.2 1.43 .254 6.1 2.3 1.13 0.95 .400 13.0 .714 3.3 2.0 3.8 -0.83 -0.24 -0.53 -0.66 -0.32 -0.07 -1.20 -0.61 0.06
NBA 20-21 DET 23 -0.51 319 -0.38 212 62 25.2 19.1 1.78 .300 5.9 3.3 1.20 1.08 .418 16.3 .729 5.0 3.3 4.1 0.05 -0.12 -0.54 -0.33 -0.09 0.13 -1.33 -0.88 -1.49
NBA 19-20 MEM 22 -0.21 157 -0.15 109 22 17.3 18.7 2.17 .319 6.2 3.3 1.79 0.85 .440 15.0 .700 4.7 2.7 3.8 0.02 0.31 -0.46 -0.28 1.10 -0.15 -0.77 -0.99 -0.63
NBA 18-19 PHO 21 -0.52 305 -0.45 227 79 25.2 16.5 1.32 .324 6.3 3.3 1.32 1.01 .413 15.2 .671 3.9 3.1 3.8 -0.40 -0.27 -0.47 -0.26 0.17 0.03 -1.29 -1.00 -1.23
NBA 17-18 PHO 20 -0.61 320 -0.61 284 77 25.4 18.6 1.05 .263 6.4 2.2 1.47 0.64 .417 17.1 .634 5.1 2.7 4.0 0.15 -0.61 -0.23 -0.67 0.42 -0.38 -1.38 -2.12 -0.64

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.