Dennis Schroder PG | 6'1" 10 Seasons View Basketball Monster Profile
Per Game
NBA 22-23 LAL 29 -0.43 212 -0.54 180 67 30.2 12.7 1.15 .336 2.5 4.5 0.76 0.15 .415 9.9 .862 3.9 1.7 2.2 -0.64 -0.44 -1.37 0.24 -0.54 -0.97 -1.10 0.64 0.29
NBA 21-22 HOU 28 -0.38 194 -0.38 139 64 28.7 13.5 1.34 .344 3.3 4.6 0.86 0.11 .432 11.3 .853 2.9 2.3 2.4 -0.42 -0.31 -1.01 0.45 -0.38 -1.16 -0.65 0.52 -0.44
NBA 20-21 LAL 27 -0.27 136 -0.19 99 61 32.1 15.4 1.16 .335 3.5 5.8 1.15 0.20 .437 12.5 .848 4.0 2.7 2.6 -0.14 -0.55 -0.97 0.95 0.43 -0.93 -0.81 0.54 -0.96
NBA 19-20 OKC 26 -0.20 115 -0.14 85 65 30.8 18.9 1.92 .385 3.6 4.0 0.69 0.22 .469 14.8 .839 3.6 2.6 2.2 0.51 0.33 -0.92 0.29 -0.76 -0.87 -0.15 0.48 -0.72
NBA 18-19 OKC 25 -0.39 183 -0.39 147 79 29.3 15.5 1.57 .341 3.6 4.1 0.80 0.15 .414 14.0 .819 2.9 2.2 2.4 0.00 0.15 -0.92 0.28 -0.53 -1.04 -1.34 0.31 -0.39
NBA 17-18 ATL 24 -0.15 93 -0.03 64 67 31.0 19.4 1.13 .290 3.1 6.2 1.09 0.09 .437 17.1 .849 4.0 2.7 2.2 0.86 -0.39 -0.96 1.49 0.19 -1.11 -0.96 0.67 -1.09
NBA 16-17 ATL 23 -0.19 108 0.00 59 79 31.5 17.9 1.27 .339 3.2 6.4 0.92 0.20 .451 15.4 .855 3.2 3.2 1.9 0.52 -0.05 -0.95 1.49 -0.22 -0.85 -0.55 0.56 -1.70
NBA 15-16 ATL 22 -0.46 218 -0.45 155 80 20.3 11.0 0.96 .322 2.6 4.4 0.89 0.11 .421 9.8 .791 2.3 2.3 1.7 -0.63 -0.14 -1.30 0.60 -0.34 -1.00 -0.83 0.10 -0.61
NBA 14-15 ATL 21 -0.49 243 -0.54 197 77 19.7 10.0 0.68 .351 2.1 4.1 0.64 0.05 .427 8.6 .827 2.3 1.9 1.6 -0.88 -0.41 -1.36 0.57 -0.85 -1.04 -0.54 0.32 -0.26
NBA 13-14 ATL 20 -0.91 448 -1.14 397 49 13.1 3.7 0.20 .238 1.2 1.9 0.35 0.00 .383 3.8 .674 0.9 1.2 1.1 -2.25 -1.03 -1.64 -0.57 -1.55 -1.14 -0.57 -0.26 0.83
NBA 22-23 LAL 29 -0.42 179 -0.52 165 67 2020 851 77 .336 169 300 51 10 .415 663 .862 260 113 147 -0.64 -0.49 -1.28 0.33 -0.60 -0.96 -1.06 0.68 0.25
NBA 21-22 HOU 28 -0.39 171 -0.40 141 64 1837 867 86 .344 213 296 55 7 .432 723 .853 184 144 154 -0.44 -0.36 -1.04 0.48 -0.41 -1.16 -0.70 0.57 -0.47
NBA 20-21 LAL 27 -0.21 116 -0.10 84 61 1956 942 71 .335 211 352 70 12 .437 760 .848 244 163 159 -0.01 -0.47 -0.80 1.04 0.58 -0.84 -0.86 0.59 -1.08
NBA 19-20 OKC 26 -0.12 88 -0.02 64 65 1999 1229 125 .385 236 262 45 14 .469 965 .839 236 166 146 0.72 0.40 -0.75 0.40 -0.60 -0.78 -0.10 0.53 -0.92
NBA 18-19 OKC 25 -0.29 135 -0.25 105 79 2314 1224 124 .341 285 323 63 12 .414 1104 .819 227 171 189 0.29 0.27 -0.70 0.55 -0.27 -0.93 -1.47 0.32 -0.69
NBA 17-18 ATL 24 -0.18 103 -0.09 69 67 2078 1301 76 .290 208 417 73 6 .437 1145 .849 265 183 147 0.64 -0.38 -1.01 1.36 0.08 -1.13 -0.99 0.72 -0.94
NBA 16-17 ATL 23 -0.11 80 0.12 44 79 2485 1414 100 .339 251 502 73 16 .451 1216 .855 255 256 149 0.76 0.09 -0.77 1.66 0.03 -0.79 -0.58 0.59 -1.95
NBA 15-16 ATL 22 -0.39 173 -0.33 126 80 1621 879 77 .322 205 349 71 9 .421 782 .791 182 184 138 -0.35 -0.05 -1.14 0.80 -0.12 -0.97 -0.86 0.09 -0.89
NBA 14-15 ATL 21 -0.43 196 -0.44 152 77 1516 768 52 .351 164 318 49 4 .427 665 .827 179 150 127 -0.66 -0.35 -1.18 0.70 -0.70 -1.00 -0.62 0.37 -0.45
NBA 13-14 ATL 20 -0.90 396 -1.19 350 49 641 183 10 .238 60 93 17 0 .383 188 .674 43 61 54 -2.34 -1.03 -1.76 -0.86 -1.80 -1.12 -0.39 -0.16 1.41
Per 36
NBA 22-23 LAL 29 -0.44 295 -0.52 274 67 30.2 15.2 1.37 .336 3.0 5.3 0.91 0.18 .415 11.8 .862 4.6 2.0 2.6 -0.74 -0.43 -1.44 0.51 -0.61 -0.94 -1.19 0.75 0.10
NBA 21-22 HOU 28 -0.37 281 -0.33 191 64 28.7 17.0 1.68 .344 4.2 5.8 1.08 0.14 .432 14.2 .853 3.6 2.8 3.0 -0.29 -0.02 -1.13 0.77 -0.43 -1.22 -0.84 0.66 -0.83
NBA 20-21 LAL 27 -0.36 258 -0.27 159 61 32.1 17.3 1.31 .335 3.9 6.5 1.29 0.22 .437 14.0 .848 4.5 3.0 2.9 -0.27 -0.51 -1.17 1.04 0.11 -1.03 -0.83 0.57 -1.17
NBA 19-20 OKC 26 -0.25 186 -0.18 116 65 30.8 22.1 2.25 .385 4.3 4.7 0.81 0.25 .469 17.4 .839 4.3 3.0 2.6 0.68 0.38 -1.05 0.35 -0.96 -0.94 -0.29 0.54 -0.92
NBA 18-19 OKC 25 -0.39 257 -0.37 194 79 29.3 19.0 1.93 .341 4.4 5.0 0.98 0.19 .414 17.2 .819 3.5 2.7 2.9 0.10 0.26 -1.02 0.53 -0.58 -1.06 -1.42 0.39 -0.66
NBA 17-18 ATL 24 -0.19 142 -0.06 80 67 31.0 22.5 1.32 .290 3.6 7.2 1.26 0.10 .437 19.8 .849 4.6 3.2 2.5 1.01 -0.37 -1.10 1.56 0.03 -1.21 -1.07 0.68 -1.20
NBA 16-17 ATL 23 -0.26 170 -0.07 77 79 31.5 20.5 1.45 .339 3.6 7.3 1.06 0.23 .451 17.6 .855 3.7 3.7 2.2 0.57 -0.10 -1.14 1.55 -0.49 -0.89 -0.59 0.65 -1.87
NBA 15-16 ATL 22 -0.22 156 0.06 47 80 20.3 19.5 1.71 .322 4.6 7.8 1.58 0.20 .421 17.4 .791 4.0 4.1 3.1 0.56 0.39 -0.89 1.92 0.61 -0.96 -1.22 0.15 -2.50
NBA 14-15 ATL 21 -0.26 195 -0.05 74 77 19.7 18.2 1.23 .351 3.9 7.6 1.16 0.09 .427 15.8 .827 4.3 3.6 3.0 0.34 0.03 -1.06 1.95 -0.21 -1.00 -0.84 0.54 -2.05
NBA 13-14 ATL 20 -0.91 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 49 13.1 10.3 0.56 .238 3.4 5.2 0.95 0.00 .383 10.6 .674 2.4 3.4 3.0 -2.25 -1.03 -1.64 -0.57 -1.55 -1.14 -0.57 -0.26 0.83

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.