Bojan Bogdanovic SG | 6'7" 10 Seasons View Basketball Monster Profile
Per Game
NBA 23-24 NYK 34 -0.57 269 -0.67 214 57 25.9 15.2 2.33 .398 2.7 1.7 0.53 0.09 .454 11.9 .785 2.6 1.8 1.7 -0.28 0.59 -1.23 -1.03 -1.33 -1.16 -0.61 -0.18 0.10
NBA 22-23 DET 33 -0.15 107 -0.12 85 59 32.1 21.6 2.46 .411 3.8 2.6 0.58 0.14 .488 14.9 .884 5.1 2.3 1.9 0.71 0.77 -0.86 -0.61 -1.01 -1.00 -0.13 1.17 -0.43
NBA 21-22 UTA 32 -0.25 141 -0.32 124 69 30.9 18.1 2.62 .387 4.3 1.7 0.49 0.01 .454 13.5 .858 3.8 1.7 1.7 0.34 0.98 -0.63 -0.82 -1.34 -1.35 -0.36 0.74 0.15
NBA 20-21 UTA 31 -0.32 155 -0.37 130 72 30.8 17.0 2.50 .390 3.9 1.9 0.63 0.06 .439 12.8 .879 3.7 1.8 1.6 0.12 0.72 -0.78 -0.76 -1.07 -1.20 -0.80 0.83 0.05
NBA 19-20 UTA 30 -0.16 99 -0.10 78 63 33.1 20.2 3.00 .414 4.1 2.1 0.54 0.11 .447 14.8 .903 4.4 2.5 1.7 0.74 1.38 -0.74 -0.60 -1.17 -1.06 -0.66 1.39 -0.69
NBA 18-19 IND 29 -0.13 93 -0.17 93 81 31.8 18.0 2.02 .425 4.1 2.0 0.86 0.01 .498 13.0 .807 3.8 1.7 1.7 0.43 0.60 -0.73 -0.67 -0.37 -1.30 0.44 0.26 0.19
NBA 17-18 IND 28 -0.21 108 -0.33 123 80 30.8 14.3 1.94 .402 3.4 1.5 0.68 0.11 .474 10.7 .868 2.6 1.3 1.6 -0.17 0.50 -0.87 -0.81 -0.78 -1.07 0.11 0.57 0.65
NBA 16-17 WAS 27 -0.38 173 -0.45 151 81 25.7 13.7 1.78 .367 3.4 1.4 0.41 0.09 .445 10.4 .893 3.0 1.6 1.8 -0.19 0.51 -0.85 -0.76 -1.54 -1.07 -0.48 0.83 0.16
NBA 15-16 BKN 26 -0.48 234 -0.61 209 79 26.8 11.2 1.63 .383 3.2 1.3 0.37 0.06 .433 9.5 .833 1.7 1.5 1.5 -0.58 0.59 -1.02 -0.82 -1.54 -1.08 -0.59 0.25 0.43
NBA 14-15 BKN 25 -0.47 226 -0.67 240 78 23.8 9.0 1.17 .355 2.7 0.9 0.44 0.12 .453 7.4 .821 1.4 1.0 1.3 -1.10 0.17 -1.13 -0.97 -1.31 -0.93 -0.10 0.16 1.02
NBA 23-24 NYK 34 -0.65 244 -0.79 221 57 1478 868 133 .398 153 96 30 5 .454 681 .785 149 101 95 -0.68 0.16 -1.29 -1.12 -1.60 -1.12 -0.50 -0.12 0.41
NBA 22-23 DET 33 -0.25 129 -0.27 117 59 1893 1273 145 .411 223 152 34 8 .488 881 .884 303 135 113 0.36 0.49 -0.98 -0.69 -1.32 -1.02 -0.03 1.10 -0.17
NBA 21-22 UTA 32 -0.22 116 -0.26 106 69 2131 1248 181 .387 296 120 34 1 .454 929 .858 260 117 116 0.53 0.99 -0.57 -0.73 -1.26 -1.36 -0.44 0.87 -0.02
NBA 20-21 UTA 31 -0.11 89 -0.07 79 72 2216 1225 180 .390 282 136 45 4 .439 925 .879 265 128 115 0.75 1.20 -0.37 -0.54 -0.58 -1.10 -1.00 1.07 -0.41
NBA 19-20 UTA 30 -0.11 86 -0.02 63 63 2083 1275 189 .414 259 131 34 7 .447 935 .903 277 159 110 0.85 1.40 -0.61 -0.56 -1.08 -1.00 -0.64 1.47 -0.79
NBA 18-19 IND 29 0.00 62 0.01 62 81 2573 1454 164 .425 333 161 70 1 .498 1049 .807 305 136 138 0.83 0.81 -0.47 -0.52 -0.03 -1.22 0.47 0.27 -0.13
NBA 17-18 IND 28 -0.09 76 -0.16 83 80 2465 1141 155 .402 268 119 54 9 .474 852 .868 205 105 129 0.22 0.80 -0.71 -0.72 -0.55 -1.05 0.03 0.72 0.40
NBA 16-17 WAS 27 -0.28 132 -0.31 114 81 2083 1113 144 .367 279 112 33 7 .445 845 .893 243 131 146 0.09 0.74 -0.63 -0.66 -1.33 -1.02 -0.52 0.89 -0.08
NBA 15-16 BKN 26 -0.42 186 -0.51 171 79 2115 887 129 .383 255 99 29 5 .433 749 .833 132 115 119 -0.33 0.71 -0.86 -0.76 -1.40 -1.07 -0.59 0.25 0.25
NBA 14-15 BKN 25 -0.39 179 -0.56 184 78 1854 700 91 .355 213 68 34 9 .453 576 .821 106 78 104 -0.87 0.29 -0.93 -0.94 -1.16 -0.88 -0.13 0.19 0.88
Per 36
NBA 23-24 NYK 34 -0.47 298 -0.46 250 57 25.9 21.1 3.24 .398 3.7 2.3 0.73 0.12 .454 16.6 .785 3.6 2.5 2.3 0.45 1.12 -1.14 -0.85 -1.10 -1.19 -0.86 -0.12 -0.55
NBA 22-23 DET 33 -0.18 152 -0.15 107 59 32.1 24.2 2.76 .411 4.2 2.9 0.65 0.15 .488 16.8 .884 5.8 2.6 2.1 0.87 0.71 -1.03 -0.50 -1.16 -0.98 -0.24 1.23 -0.57
NBA 21-22 UTA 32 -0.27 216 -0.33 194 69 30.9 21.1 3.06 .387 5.0 2.0 0.57 0.02 .454 15.7 .858 4.4 2.0 2.0 0.51 1.15 -0.88 -0.80 -1.47 -1.39 -0.55 0.84 0.13
NBA 20-21 UTA 31 -0.35 252 -0.39 217 72 30.8 19.9 2.92 .390 4.6 2.2 0.73 0.06 .439 15.0 .879 4.3 2.1 1.9 0.19 0.82 -0.95 -0.81 -1.17 -1.24 -0.86 0.89 -0.02
NBA 19-20 UTA 30 -0.26 196 -0.23 133 63 33.1 22.0 3.27 .414 4.5 2.3 0.59 0.12 .447 16.2 .903 4.8 2.7 1.9 0.66 1.25 -0.98 -0.74 -1.43 -1.11 -0.70 1.34 -0.64
NBA 18-19 IND 29 -0.20 153 -0.26 144 81 31.8 20.3 2.29 .425 4.7 2.3 0.98 0.01 .498 14.7 .807 4.3 1.9 1.9 0.36 0.57 -0.95 -0.74 -0.59 -1.29 0.26 0.32 0.25
NBA 17-18 IND 28 -0.27 194 -0.42 213 80 30.8 16.7 2.26 .402 3.9 1.7 0.79 0.13 .474 12.4 .868 3.0 1.5 1.9 -0.27 0.47 -1.01 -0.88 -0.90 -1.17 -0.02 0.60 0.76
NBA 16-17 WAS 27 -0.29 196 -0.32 172 81 25.7 19.2 2.49 .367 4.8 1.9 0.57 0.12 .445 14.6 .893 4.2 2.3 2.5 0.32 0.81 -0.77 -0.71 -1.59 -1.04 -0.61 1.14 -0.20
NBA 15-16 BKN 26 -0.47 281 -0.56 278 79 26.8 15.1 2.20 .383 4.3 1.7 0.49 0.09 .433 12.8 .833 2.2 2.0 2.0 -0.48 0.84 -0.97 -0.77 -1.63 -1.11 -0.69 0.36 0.19
NBA 14-15 BKN 25 -0.39 265 -0.55 282 78 23.8 13.6 1.77 .355 4.1 1.3 0.66 0.17 .453 11.2 .821 2.1 1.5 2.0 -0.79 0.54 -0.98 -0.90 -1.30 -0.90 -0.18 0.24 0.78

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.