Lawrence Funderburke PF | 6'9" 7 Seasons View Basketball Monster Profile
Per Game
NBA 04-05 CHI 34 -0.84 419 -1.27 442 2 10.5 4.5 0.00 .000 1.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 .500 3.0 .600 2.5 0.0 1.0 -1.85 -1.04 -1.66 -1.52 -2.28 -1.00 0.28 -1.04 2.56
NBA 02-03 SAC 32 -0.78 341 -1.18 363 27 8.5 2.7 0.00 .000 2.0 0.3 0.04 0.41 .444 2.7 .588 0.6 0.2 0.9 -2.02 -1.17 -1.42 -1.50 -2.40 -0.38 -0.04 -0.38 2.25
NBA 01-02 SAC 31 -0.67 301 -0.98 315 56 12.9 4.7 0.00 .000 3.5 0.6 0.20 0.32 .469 4.4 .607 1.0 0.6 1.2 -1.81 -1.08 -0.81 -1.22 -1.97 -0.57 0.16 -0.52 1.79
NBA 00-01 SAC 30 -0.64 303 -0.98 318 59 11.8 4.9 0.00 .000 3.3 0.3 0.15 0.22 .496 4.1 .623 1.3 0.5 0.7 -1.59 -1.04 -0.85 -1.38 -2.04 -0.70 0.36 -0.43 1.88
NBA 99-00 SAC 29 -0.53 251 -0.85 275 75 13.7 6.4 0.00 .000 3.1 0.4 0.43 0.27 .523 4.7 .706 2.2 0.5 1.2 -1.39 -1.17 -0.96 -1.30 -1.50 -0.61 0.68 -0.41 1.88
NBA 98-99 SAC 28 -0.27 145 -0.45 162 47 19.9 8.9 0.02 .200 4.7 0.6 0.47 0.49 .559 6.4 .708 2.6 1.1 1.6 -0.81 -0.94 -0.25 -1.12 -1.34 -0.26 1.47 -0.29 1.10
NBA 97-98 SAC 27 -0.51 229 -0.73 227 52 21.0 9.5 0.02 .143 4.5 1.2 0.37 0.29 .490 7.5 .679 3.1 1.2 1.1 -0.91 -1.01 -0.35 -0.93 -1.72 -0.54 0.45 -0.65 1.10
NBA 04-05 CHI 34 -0.87 439 -1.31 457 2 21 9 0 .000 3 0 0 0 .500 6 .600 5 0 2 -2.48 -1.03 -2.10 -1.43 -2.16 -1.02 0.01 -0.03 2.40
NBA 02-03 SAC 32 -0.84 344 -1.25 354 27 229 74 0 .000 55 8 1 11 .444 72 .588 17 6 25 -2.20 -1.16 -1.87 -1.47 -2.30 -0.74 -0.02 -0.14 2.31
NBA 01-02 SAC 31 -0.71 275 -1.04 281 56 722 264 0 .000 198 32 11 18 .469 245 .607 56 33 65 -1.94 -1.05 -1.09 -1.21 -2.01 -0.68 0.11 -0.39 1.89
NBA 00-01 SAC 30 -0.68 274 -1.02 290 59 698 288 0 .000 196 17 9 13 .496 242 .623 77 32 44 -1.63 -1.08 -1.09 -1.36 -2.07 -0.78 0.34 -0.36 1.91
NBA 99-00 SAC 29 -0.51 203 -0.82 223 75 1026 483 0 .000 234 33 32 20 .523 352 .706 163 40 91 -1.22 -1.12 -0.92 -1.22 -1.44 -0.61 0.68 -0.40 1.69
NBA 98-99 SAC 28 -0.24 124 -0.40 136 47 936 420 1 .200 222 30 22 23 .559 299 .708 120 52 77 -0.75 -0.94 -0.21 -1.06 -1.21 -0.25 1.54 -0.30 1.02
NBA 97-98 SAC 27 -0.61 246 -0.89 246 52 1094 493 1 .143 234 63 19 15 .490 390 .679 162 62 56 -1.45 -0.97 -0.86 -1.05 -1.86 -0.69 0.34 -0.46 1.55
Per 36
NBA 04-05 CHI 34 -0.84 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 2 10.5 15.4 0.00 .000 5.1 0.0 0.00 0.00 .500 10.3 .600 8.6 0.0 3.4 -1.85 -1.04 -1.66 -1.52 -2.28 -1.00 0.28 -1.04 2.56
NBA 02-03 SAC 32 -0.78 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 27 8.5 11.6 0.00 .000 8.6 1.3 0.16 1.73 .444 11.3 .588 2.7 0.9 3.9 -2.02 -1.17 -1.42 -1.50 -2.40 -0.38 -0.04 -0.38 2.25
NBA 01-02 SAC 31 -0.67 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 56 12.9 13.2 0.00 .000 9.9 1.6 0.55 0.90 .469 12.2 .607 2.8 1.6 3.2 -1.81 -1.08 -0.81 -1.22 -1.97 -0.57 0.16 -0.52 1.79
NBA 00-01 SAC 30 -0.64 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 59 11.8 14.9 0.00 .000 10.1 0.9 0.46 0.67 .496 12.5 .623 4.0 1.7 2.3 -1.59 -1.04 -0.85 -1.38 -2.04 -0.70 0.36 -0.43 1.88
NBA 99-00 SAC 29 -0.53 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 75 13.7 16.9 0.00 .000 8.2 1.2 1.12 0.70 .523 12.4 .706 5.7 1.4 3.2 -1.39 -1.17 -0.96 -1.30 -1.50 -0.61 0.68 -0.41 1.88
NBA 98-99 SAC 28 0.04 55 0.00 64 47 19.9 16.2 0.04 .200 8.5 1.2 0.85 0.88 .559 11.5 .708 4.6 2.0 3.0 0.43 -0.86 0.71 -0.93 -0.95 0.05 2.19 -0.42 0.17
NBA 97-98 SAC 27 -0.32 211 -0.43 213 52 21.0 16.2 0.03 .143 7.7 2.1 0.63 0.49 .490 12.8 .679 5.3 2.0 1.8 0.24 -0.97 0.47 -0.60 -1.58 -0.44 0.71 -0.96 0.21

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.