Michael Olowokandi C | 7'0" 9 Seasons View Basketball Monster Profile
Per Game
NBA 06-07 BOS 31 -0.72 351 -1.05 342 23 10.0 1.7 0.00 .000 2.1 0.2 0.35 0.57 .413 2.0 .667 0.1 0.7 2.1 -2.38 -1.12 -1.31 -1.42 -1.63 -0.08 -0.19 -0.07 1.70
NBA 05-06 BOS 30 -0.58 280 -0.80 265 48 19.2 5.0 0.00 .000 4.6 0.5 0.46 0.69 .446 5.0 .511 1.0 1.1 2.5 -1.59 -1.15 -0.35 -1.26 -1.12 0.05 -0.18 -0.63 0.98
NBA 04-05 MIN 29 -0.53 251 -0.74 237 62 19.6 5.9 0.00 .000 5.2 0.5 0.24 0.90 .456 5.7 .667 1.1 1.1 3.1 -1.58 -1.04 -0.18 -1.29 -1.74 0.29 0.02 -0.30 1.09
NBA 03-04 MIN 28 -0.48 208 -0.67 206 43 21.4 6.4 0.00 .000 5.7 0.6 0.37 1.58 .424 6.6 .590 1.4 1.2 3.2 -1.50 -1.10 0.01 -1.32 -1.69 1.24 -0.27 -0.66 1.00
NBA 02-03 LAC 27 -0.33 144 -0.24 105 36 38.0 12.3 0.00 .000 9.1 1.3 0.50 2.19 .427 12.1 .657 2.9 2.7 3.1 -0.30 -1.17 1.43 -0.96 -1.35 2.27 -0.66 -1.15 -1.08
NBA 01-02 LAC 26 -0.27 133 -0.25 109 80 32.1 11.1 0.00 .000 8.9 1.1 0.69 1.81 .433 11.1 .622 2.4 2.2 2.7 -0.59 -1.08 1.29 -0.97 -0.87 1.74 -0.42 -1.10 -0.40
NBA 00-01 LAC 25 -0.59 276 -0.65 206 82 25.9 8.5 0.00 .000 6.4 0.6 0.37 1.32 .435 8.6 .545 1.9 2.1 3.0 -0.95 -1.04 0.25 -1.26 -1.56 0.77 -0.33 -0.99 -0.17
NBA 99-00 LAC 24 -0.41 190 -0.43 150 80 31.2 9.8 0.00 .000 8.2 0.5 0.44 1.75 .437 9.5 .651 2.4 2.2 3.8 -0.74 -1.17 1.07 -1.28 -1.47 1.50 -0.38 -0.83 -0.35
NBA 98-99 LAC 23 -0.49 229 -0.56 193 45 28.4 8.9 0.00 .000 7.9 0.6 0.60 1.22 .431 8.9 .483 2.6 1.9 3.0 -0.82 -0.97 0.93 -1.16 -1.07 0.73 -0.28 -1.81 0.04
NBA 06-07 BOS 31 -0.84 362 -1.24 364 23 230 40 0 .000 48 5 8 13 .413 46 .667 3 17 48 -2.68 -1.15 -1.73 -1.44 -2.20 -0.66 -0.07 -0.01 2.36
NBA 05-06 BOS 30 -0.66 278 -0.94 276 48 923 238 0 .000 220 23 22 33 .446 240 .511 47 55 122 -1.72 -1.09 -1.00 -1.27 -1.47 -0.32 -0.11 -0.43 1.46
NBA 04-05 MIN 29 -0.55 242 -0.79 234 62 1215 368 0 .000 324 29 15 56 .456 353 .667 69 68 193 -1.61 -1.03 -0.44 -1.25 -1.72 0.13 -0.01 -0.25 1.19
NBA 03-04 MIN 28 -0.66 250 -0.98 251 43 920 276 0 .000 244 24 16 68 .424 283 .590 61 52 137 -1.91 -1.08 -0.87 -1.40 -2.04 0.26 -0.19 -0.40 1.68
NBA 02-03 LAC 27 -0.62 229 -0.79 216 36 1369 441 0 .000 328 47 18 79 .427 436 .657 105 98 110 -1.37 -1.16 -0.46 -1.21 -1.82 0.58 -0.33 -0.53 0.77
NBA 01-02 LAC 26 -0.22 113 -0.17 90 80 2568 885 0 .000 711 90 55 145 .433 886 .622 188 175 217 -0.38 -1.05 1.51 -0.86 -0.71 1.88 -0.52 -1.19 -0.66
NBA 00-01 LAC 25 -0.54 216 -0.56 156 82 2127 701 0 .000 525 46 30 108 .435 708 .545 156 169 250 -0.73 -1.08 0.50 -1.18 -1.46 0.98 -0.34 -1.12 -0.43
NBA 99-00 LAC 24 -0.36 159 -0.36 130 80 2493 783 0 .000 656 38 35 140 .437 756 .651 189 177 304 -0.53 -1.12 1.20 -1.19 -1.35 1.61 -0.46 -0.87 -0.51
NBA 98-99 LAC 23 -0.49 216 -0.57 185 45 1279 401 0 .000 357 25 27 55 .431 399 .483 118 85 137 -0.83 -0.97 0.86 -1.11 -1.00 0.67 -0.27 -1.83 0.10
Per 36
NBA 06-07 BOS 31 -0.72 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 23 10.0 6.3 0.00 .000 7.5 0.8 1.25 2.03 .413 7.2 .667 0.5 2.7 7.5 -2.38 -1.12 -1.31 -1.42 -1.63 -0.08 -0.19 -0.07 1.70
NBA 05-06 BOS 30 -0.53 265 -0.57 262 48 19.2 9.3 0.00 .000 8.6 0.9 0.86 1.29 .446 9.4 .511 1.8 2.1 4.8 -1.43 -1.16 0.80 -1.12 -0.63 0.54 -0.22 -1.31 -0.27
NBA 04-05 MIN 29 -0.42 242 -0.47 233 62 19.6 10.9 0.00 .000 9.6 0.9 0.44 1.66 .456 10.5 .667 2.0 2.0 5.7 -1.28 -1.12 1.10 -1.14 -1.69 1.01 0.00 -0.64 0.00
NBA 03-04 MIN 28 -0.38 215 -0.43 209 43 21.4 10.8 0.00 .000 9.5 0.9 0.63 2.66 .424 11.1 .590 2.4 2.0 5.4 -1.13 -1.21 1.17 -1.25 -1.54 2.22 -0.47 -1.32 0.11
NBA 02-03 LAC 27 -0.57 259 -0.54 237 36 38.0 11.6 0.00 .000 8.6 1.2 0.47 2.08 .427 11.5 .657 2.8 2.6 2.9 -0.87 -1.17 0.85 -1.08 -1.79 1.47 -0.62 -1.09 -0.82
NBA 01-02 LAC 26 -0.36 227 -0.35 185 80 32.1 12.4 0.00 .000 10.0 1.3 0.77 2.03 .433 12.4 .622 2.6 2.5 3.0 -0.78 -1.15 1.40 -0.99 -1.03 1.52 -0.47 -1.10 -0.67
NBA 00-01 LAC 25 -0.68 280 -0.62 267 82 25.9 11.9 0.00 .000 8.9 0.8 0.51 1.83 .435 12.0 .545 2.6 2.9 4.2 -0.76 -1.15 0.85 -1.29 -1.76 1.10 -0.37 -1.40 -1.30
NBA 99-00 LAC 24 -0.55 264 -0.56 252 80 31.2 11.3 0.00 .000 9.5 0.5 0.51 2.02 .437 10.9 .651 2.7 2.6 4.4 -1.08 -1.16 1.07 -1.37 -1.74 1.44 -0.42 -0.97 -0.74
NBA 98-99 LAC 23 -0.55 252 -0.58 237 45 28.4 11.3 0.00 .000 10.0 0.7 0.76 1.55 .431 11.2 .483 3.3 2.4 3.9 -0.97 -0.91 1.23 -1.14 -1.11 0.83 -0.38 -2.02 -0.44

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.