Ray Williams G | 6'3" 10 Seasons
Per Game
NBA 86-87 NJN 32 -0.29 138 -0.19 93 32 25.0 9.9 0.22 .250 2.3 5.8 1.19 0.28 .452 9.1 .817 1.9 2.9 3.5 -0.68 0.06 -1.01 1.04 0.22 -0.59 -0.72 0.24 -1.14
NBA 85-86 ATL 31 -0.32 163 -0.37 139 47 17.6 7.6 0.13 .316 1.8 4.0 1.30 0.09 .382 6.5 .913 2.7 2.1 2.6 -1.17 -0.02 -1.25 0.28 0.42 -0.77 -1.62 1.25 -0.02
NBA 84-85 BOS 30 -0.39 172 -0.50 157 23 20.0 6.4 0.26 .261 2.5 3.9 1.30 0.22 .385 6.2 .674 2.0 1.8 2.4 -1.40 0.63 -0.97 0.23 0.47 -0.60 -1.52 -0.77 0.42
NBA 83-84 NYK 29 0.27 26 0.44 20 76 29.3 14.8 0.33 .309 3.5 5.9 2.13 0.34 .445 12.4 .827 4.2 2.9 3.6 0.14 1.55 -0.60 1.17 2.30 -0.48 -1.47 0.88 -1.04
NBA 82-83 KCK 28 -0.22 117 0.13 53 72 30.1 15.4 0.21 .203 4.5 7.9 1.67 0.36 .392 14.8 .769 4.6 4.7 3.4 0.23 1.05 -0.30 2.31 1.13 -0.51 -3.13 0.25 -2.98
NBA 81-82 NJN 27 0.34 21 0.65 11 82 33.3 20.4 0.11 .167 4.0 6.0 2.43 0.52 .462 16.9 .832 5.7 3.5 3.7 1.23 0.13 -0.43 1.45 2.74 -0.21 -1.39 1.65 -2.14
NBA 80-81 NYK 26 0.40 12 0.58 10 79 34.7 19.7 0.20 .235 4.1 5.5 2.34 0.47 .461 16.9 .817 4.8 3.0 3.4 1.09 0.78 -0.37 1.25 2.52 -0.29 -1.19 0.88 -1.10
NBA 79-80 NYK 25 0.35 17 0.55 12 82 31.5 20.9 0.09 .189 5.0 6.2 2.04 0.29 .496 16.9 .787 5.2 3.1 3.6 1.27 -0.12 -0.13 1.75 1.73 -0.59 0.26 0.18 -1.18
NBA 78-79 NYK 24 -0.03 74 0.16 55 81 29.3 17.3 N/A N/A 3.6 6.2 1.58 0.23 .457 15.5 .802 3.9 3.5 3.4 0.61 N/A -0.56 1.61 0.98 -0.67 -1.33 0.52 -1.37
NBA 77-78 NYK 23 -0.42 162 -0.38 118 81 19.1 9.3 N/A N/A 2.6 4.5 1.33 0.19 .443 8.5 .705 2.6 3.0 2.6 -0.81 N/A -0.96 0.82 0.30 -0.71 -0.67 -0.62 -0.70
NBA 86-87 NJN 32 -0.52 194 -0.71 184 32 800 318 7 .250 75 185 38 9 .452 290 .817 60 94 111 -1.44 -0.35 -1.41 -0.36 -1.00 -0.81 -0.32 0.10 0.91
NBA 85-86 ATL 31 -0.45 193 -0.63 187 47 827 355 6 .316 86 187 61 4 .382 306 .913 126 101 124 -1.57 -0.23 -1.38 -0.35 -0.43 -0.76 -1.06 0.79 0.93
NBA 84-85 BOS 30 -0.59 238 -0.93 238 23 459 147 6 .261 57 90 30 5 .385 143 .674 46 42 56 -2.04 -0.22 -1.52 -0.91 -1.18 -0.77 -0.47 -0.23 2.00
NBA 83-84 NYK 29 0.30 21 0.45 21 76 2230 1124 25 .309 267 449 162 26 .445 939 .827 318 219 274 0.11 1.81 -0.61 1.17 2.21 -0.48 -1.43 0.86 -0.97
NBA 82-83 KCK 28 -0.24 112 0.07 57 72 2170 1109 15 .203 327 569 120 26 .392 1068 .769 333 335 248 0.12 1.05 -0.34 2.14 0.97 -0.52 -3.14 0.26 -2.71
NBA 81-82 NJN 27 0.41 19 0.76 12 82 2732 1674 9 .167 325 488 199 43 .462 1383 .832 465 290 302 1.40 0.25 -0.29 1.58 2.94 -0.14 -1.43 1.76 -2.37
NBA 80-81 NYK 26 0.47 12 0.68 9 79 2742 1560 16 .235 321 432 185 37 .461 1335 .817 382 235 270 1.13 1.05 -0.34 1.43 2.72 -0.27 -1.25 0.92 -1.16
NBA 79-80 NYK 25 0.41 14 0.65 12 82 2582 1714 7 .189 412 512 167 24 .496 1384 .787 423 256 295 1.50 -0.06 -0.02 1.91 1.88 -0.54 0.26 0.25 -1.44
NBA 78-79 NYK 24 0.01 64 0.23 42 81 2370 1401 N/A N/A 291 504 128 19 .457 1257 .802 313 285 274 0.78 N/A -0.50 1.70 1.11 -0.61 -1.43 0.58 -1.56
NBA 77-78 NYK 23 -0.39 151 -0.32 109 81 1550 756 N/A N/A 209 363 108 15 .443 689 .705 207 242 211 -0.64 N/A -0.90 0.94 0.46 -0.69 -0.74 -0.62 -0.90
Per 36
NBA 86-87 NJN 32 -0.35 172 -0.03 71 32 25.0 14.3 0.32 .250 3.4 8.3 1.71 0.41 .452 13.1 .817 2.7 4.2 5.0 -0.50 0.12 -1.05 1.66 0.58 -0.49 -0.73 0.33 -3.04
NBA 85-86 ATL 31 -0.11 105 0.18 33 47 17.6 15.5 0.26 .316 3.7 8.1 2.66 0.17 .382 13.3 .913 5.5 4.4 5.4 -0.41 0.23 -0.84 1.51 2.06 -0.67 -2.54 2.08 -2.39
NBA 84-85 BOS 30 -0.36 179 -0.24 140 23 20.0 11.5 0.47 .261 4.5 7.1 2.35 0.39 .385 11.2 .674 3.6 3.3 4.4 -1.21 1.08 -0.60 1.19 1.70 -0.46 -2.43 -1.34 -1.14
NBA 83-84 NYK 29 0.22 24 0.41 10 76 29.3 18.1 0.40 .309 4.3 7.2 2.62 0.42 .445 15.2 .827 5.1 3.5 4.4 0.22 1.37 -0.71 1.30 2.11 -0.50 -1.34 0.98 -1.42
NBA 82-83 KCK 28 -0.34 173 0.12 46 72 30.1 18.4 0.25 .203 5.4 9.4 1.99 0.43 .392 17.7 .769 5.5 5.6 4.1 0.32 0.82 -0.34 2.53 1.08 -0.46 -3.07 0.21 -4.13
NBA 81-82 NJN 27 0.16 32 0.44 12 82 33.3 22.1 0.12 .167 4.3 6.4 2.62 0.57 .462 18.2 .832 6.1 3.8 4.0 1.14 0.03 -0.73 1.24 2.24 -0.36 -1.30 1.40 -2.19
NBA 80-81 NYK 26 0.20 24 0.28 20 79 34.7 20.5 0.21 .235 4.2 5.7 2.43 0.49 .461 17.5 .817 5.0 3.1 3.5 0.81 0.40 -0.75 0.91 1.74 -0.45 -1.00 0.76 -0.59
NBA 79-80 NYK 25 0.31 14 0.50 9 82 31.5 23.9 0.10 .189 5.7 7.1 2.33 0.33 .496 19.3 .787 5.9 3.6 4.1 1.53 -0.16 -0.31 1.66 1.51 -0.62 0.32 0.14 -1.27
NBA 78-79 NYK 24 -0.08 92 0.22 29 81 29.3 21.3 N/A N/A 4.4 7.7 1.94 0.29 .457 19.1 .802 4.8 4.3 4.2 1.05 N/A -0.70 1.89 0.97 -0.68 -1.37 0.53 -2.29
NBA 77-78 NYK 23 -0.36 170 0.17 43 81 19.1 17.6 N/A N/A 4.9 8.4 2.51 0.35 .443 16.0 .705 4.8 5.6 4.9 0.24 N/A -0.64 2.65 1.74 -0.60 -1.05 -1.10 -4.13

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.