Jay Vincent F | 6'7" 9 Seasons
Per Game
NBA 89-90 PHI 30 -0.60 248 -0.89 251 41 11.2 5.2 0.02 .500 1.5 0.4 0.44 0.12 .470 4.5 .837 1.2 0.8 1.3 -1.70 -0.68 -1.50 -1.17 -1.26 -0.74 -0.17 0.20 1.57
NBA 88-89 SAS 29 -0.84 336 -1.06 301 29 22.3 8.6 0.03 .333 3.8 0.9 0.21 0.14 .405 8.9 .667 2.1 1.4 2.2 -1.07 -0.63 -0.64 -0.97 -1.69 -0.74 -1.76 -0.94 0.86
NBA 87-88 DEN 28 -0.30 148 -0.35 128 73 24.0 15.4 0.01 .250 4.2 2.0 0.63 0.36 .466 13.1 .805 3.9 1.9 2.7 0.28 -0.62 -0.34 -0.53 -0.73 -0.47 -0.70 0.33 0.11
NBA 86-87 WA1 27 -0.39 167 -0.53 164 51 27.2 13.3 0.00 .000 4.1 1.7 0.78 0.33 .447 12.0 .769 3.3 1.5 2.5 -0.13 -0.65 -0.42 -0.73 -0.52 -0.52 -1.08 -0.10 0.65
NBA 85-86 DAL 26 -0.21 120 -0.29 111 80 24.9 13.8 0.00 .000 4.6 2.3 0.83 0.26 .481 11.5 .810 3.4 1.8 2.4 -0.05 -0.59 -0.26 -0.44 -0.44 -0.55 -0.37 0.44 0.40
NBA 84-85 DAL 25 -0.01 73 -0.02 77 79 32.2 18.2 0.00 .000 8.9 2.1 0.61 0.28 .479 14.4 .836 5.3 2.2 2.9 0.63 -0.61 1.30 -0.54 -0.88 -0.52 -0.58 1.10 0.00
NBA 83-84 DAL 24 -0.54 224 -0.66 185 61 23.3 11.0 0.00 .000 4.0 1.9 0.49 0.16 .435 9.5 .781 3.5 1.9 2.6 -0.52 -0.54 -0.41 -0.64 -1.16 -0.74 -1.33 0.14 0.38
NBA 82-83 DAL 23 0.01 62 0.02 65 81 33.7 18.7 0.00 .000 7.3 2.6 0.86 0.56 .489 15.7 .784 4.2 2.3 3.6 0.81 -0.59 0.66 -0.31 -0.41 -0.25 -0.19 0.46 -0.06
NBA 81-82 DAL 22 -0.11 89 -0.06 73 81 32.4 21.4 0.01 .250 7.0 2.2 1.10 0.26 .497 17.9 .716 5.0 2.4 3.8 1.40 -0.47 0.62 -0.49 0.14 -0.62 -0.13 -1.00 -0.47
NBA 89-90 PHI 30 -0.66 259 -1.01 272 41 459 214 1 .500 62 18 18 5 .470 183 .837 49 33 52 -1.92 -0.71 -1.68 -1.21 -1.58 -0.77 -0.10 0.11 1.92
NBA 88-89 SAS 29 -0.77 346 -1.11 300 29 646 249 1 .333 110 27 6 4 .405 257 .667 60 42 63 -1.83 -0.67 -1.45 -1.18 -1.85 -0.82 -0.66 -0.35 1.92
NBA 87-88 DEN 28 -0.30 143 -0.37 127 73 1755 1124 1 .250 309 143 46 26 .466 958 .805 287 137 198 0.19 -0.58 -0.41 -0.54 -0.72 -0.50 -0.69 0.33 0.20
NBA 86-87 WA1 27 -0.49 182 -0.71 182 51 1386 678 0 .000 210 85 40 17 .447 613 .769 169 77 127 -0.74 -0.65 -0.84 -0.91 -0.95 -0.67 -0.75 -0.06 1.17
NBA 85-86 DAL 26 -0.17 104 -0.22 99 80 1994 1106 0 .000 368 180 66 21 .481 919 .810 274 145 193 0.14 -0.61 -0.10 -0.39 -0.31 -0.48 -0.42 0.44 0.21
NBA 84-85 DAL 25 0.02 66 0.04 66 79 2543 1441 0 .000 704 169 48 22 .479 1138 .836 420 170 226 0.76 -0.61 1.37 -0.48 -0.76 -0.48 -0.63 1.18 -0.13
NBA 83-84 DAL 24 -0.58 217 -0.78 191 61 1421 672 0 .000 247 114 30 10 .435 579 .781 215 113 159 -0.87 -0.59 -0.70 -0.83 -1.38 -0.79 -1.04 0.10 0.89
NBA 82-83 DAL 23 0.07 57 0.11 55 81 2726 1513 0 .000 592 212 70 45 .489 1272 .784 343 188 295 1.03 -0.59 0.79 -0.21 -0.29 -0.19 -0.21 0.53 -0.26
NBA 81-82 DAL 22 -0.08 78 -0.01 62 81 2626 1732 1 .250 565 176 89 21 .497 1448 .716 409 194 308 1.52 -0.45 0.75 -0.44 0.25 -0.57 -0.08 -1.12 -0.62
Per 36
NBA 89-90 PHI 30 -0.60 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 41 11.2 16.8 0.08 .500 4.9 1.4 1.41 0.39 .470 14.4 .837 3.8 2.6 4.1 -1.70 -0.68 -1.50 -1.17 -1.26 -0.74 -0.17 0.20 1.57
NBA 88-89 SAS 29 -0.95 228 -1.09 229 29 22.3 13.9 0.06 .333 6.1 1.5 0.33 0.22 .405 14.3 .667 3.3 2.3 3.5 -0.63 -0.62 -0.15 -0.88 -1.83 -0.65 -2.53 -1.34 0.07
NBA 87-88 DEN 28 -0.19 130 -0.12 98 73 24.0 23.1 0.02 .250 6.3 2.9 0.94 0.53 .466 19.7 .805 5.9 2.8 4.1 1.36 -0.61 0.03 -0.41 -0.66 -0.34 -0.75 0.39 -0.74
NBA 86-87 WA1 27 -0.33 167 -0.46 191 51 27.2 17.6 0.00 .000 5.5 2.2 1.04 0.44 .447 15.9 .769 4.4 2.0 3.3 0.20 -0.63 -0.37 -0.69 -0.50 -0.45 -1.05 -0.12 0.65
NBA 85-86 DAL 26 -0.11 104 -0.12 100 80 24.9 20.0 0.00 .000 6.6 3.2 1.19 0.38 .481 16.6 .810 4.9 2.6 3.5 0.56 -0.58 0.11 -0.33 -0.30 -0.48 -0.36 0.45 -0.04
NBA 84-85 DAL 25 -0.04 83 -0.08 86 79 32.2 20.4 0.00 .000 10.0 2.4 0.68 0.31 .479 16.1 .836 5.9 2.4 3.2 0.66 -0.60 1.24 -0.66 -1.14 -0.55 -0.59 1.08 0.21
NBA 83-84 DAL 24 -0.51 197 -0.53 191 61 23.3 17.0 0.00 .000 6.3 2.9 0.76 0.25 .435 14.7 .781 5.4 2.9 4.0 -0.02 -0.55 -0.05 -0.46 -0.98 -0.70 -1.54 0.14 -0.38
NBA 82-83 DAL 23 -0.06 82 -0.12 94 81 33.7 20.0 0.00 .000 7.8 2.8 0.92 0.59 .489 16.8 .784 4.5 2.5 3.9 0.66 -0.56 0.41 -0.56 -0.83 -0.30 -0.14 0.39 0.38
NBA 81-82 DAL 22 -0.15 112 -0.14 109 81 32.4 23.7 0.01 .250 7.7 2.4 1.22 0.29 .497 19.9 .716 5.6 2.7 4.2 1.49 -0.48 0.40 -0.64 -0.19 -0.67 -0.17 -0.85 -0.23

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.