Jerry Sichting G | 6'1" 10 Seasons
Per Game
NBA 89-90 MIL 33 -0.62 254 -0.93 266 35 14.2 3.5 0.09 .250 0.5 2.7 0.46 0.06 .400 3.6 .818 0.6 0.6 1.1 -2.00 -0.54 -1.85 -0.30 -1.23 -0.82 -0.68 0.06 1.79
NBA 88-89 POR 32 -0.57 231 -0.84 234 25 15.6 4.1 0.12 .250 1.2 2.4 0.60 0.00 .442 4.2 .875 0.3 1.0 0.7 -1.87 -0.43 -1.61 -0.42 -1.02 -0.92 -0.44 0.10 1.43
NBA 87-88 BOS 31 -0.40 186 -0.72 232 52 13.3 4.1 0.19 .455 0.7 1.8 0.40 0.00 .541 3.3 .739 0.4 0.4 1.2 -1.62 -0.11 -1.59 -0.59 -1.12 -0.99 0.40 -0.07 2.06
NBA 86-87 BOS 30 -0.40 173 -0.66 193 78 20.1 5.7 0.09 .269 1.2 2.4 0.51 0.01 .508 5.1 .881 0.5 0.8 1.6 -1.36 -0.36 -1.41 -0.41 -1.02 -0.96 0.21 0.18 1.56
NBA 85-86 BOS 29 -0.26 139 -0.50 170 82 19.5 6.5 0.07 .375 1.3 2.3 0.61 0.00 .570 5.0 .924 0.8 0.9 1.4 -1.35 -0.26 -1.44 -0.42 -0.83 -0.87 0.83 0.43 1.55
NBA 84-85 IND 28 -0.14 96 -0.28 114 70 25.8 11.0 0.13 .243 1.6 3.8 0.67 0.06 .521 8.9 .875 1.8 1.5 1.7 -0.60 0.00 -1.27 0.17 -0.76 -0.82 0.44 0.64 0.90
NBA 83-84 IND 27 0.06 55 0.00 68 80 31.2 11.5 0.08 .300 2.1 5.7 1.13 0.10 .532 9.3 .867 1.7 1.8 2.2 -0.44 -0.07 -1.10 1.08 0.18 -0.84 0.66 0.61 0.45
NBA 82-83 IND 26 -0.08 78 -0.18 92 78 31.2 9.3 0.04 .167 2.0 5.6 1.33 0.03 .478 8.5 .860 1.4 1.8 2.4 -0.83 -0.29 -1.18 1.15 0.49 -0.95 -0.29 0.51 0.64
NBA 81-82 IND 25 -0.47 206 -0.76 217 51 15.7 4.2 0.02 .111 1.1 2.3 0.65 0.02 .469 3.8 .763 0.7 0.8 1.2 -1.74 -0.42 -1.44 -0.43 -0.74 -1.00 -0.25 0.00 1.83
NBA 80-81 IND 24 -0.62 242 -1.01 257 47 9.6 2.0 0.00 .000 0.9 1.5 0.49 0.02 .358 2.0 .781 0.7 0.6 0.8 -2.10 -0.48 -1.47 -0.99 -1.32 -0.95 -0.58 0.02 2.26
NBA 89-90 MIL 33 -0.68 267 -1.06 287 35 496 121 3 .250 19 94 16 2 .400 125 .818 22 22 40 -2.12 -0.65 -1.88 -0.84 -1.63 -0.82 -0.32 0.03 2.10
NBA 88-89 POR 32 -0.67 266 -1.05 269 25 390 102 3 .250 29 59 15 0 .442 104 .875 8 25 17 -2.14 -0.61 -1.83 -1.02 -1.66 -0.88 -0.14 0.04 2.20
NBA 87-88 BOS 31 -0.48 193 -0.82 224 52 694 213 10 .455 36 93 21 0 .541 172 .739 23 22 60 -1.73 -0.24 -1.64 -0.79 -1.27 -1.00 0.27 -0.04 2.15
NBA 86-87 BOS 30 -0.37 152 -0.61 167 78 1566 448 7 .269 91 187 40 1 .508 398 .881 42 61 124 -1.19 -0.35 -1.34 -0.35 -0.95 -0.96 0.21 0.19 1.42
NBA 85-86 BOS 29 -0.20 112 -0.40 136 82 1596 537 6 .375 104 188 50 0 .570 412 .924 66 73 118 -1.15 -0.23 -1.30 -0.34 -0.69 -0.83 0.94 0.45 1.40
NBA 84-85 IND 28 -0.17 104 -0.32 116 70 1808 771 9 .243 114 264 47 4 .521 624 .875 128 102 116 -0.69 -0.03 -1.27 0.03 -0.79 -0.79 0.41 0.60 1.00
NBA 83-84 IND 27 0.10 49 0.06 60 80 2497 917 6 .300 171 457 90 8 .532 746 .867 135 144 179 -0.34 -0.01 -1.05 1.21 0.25 -0.83 0.70 0.63 0.34
NBA 82-83 IND 26 -0.04 69 -0.12 88 78 2435 727 3 .167 155 433 104 2 .478 661 .860 107 138 185 -0.75 -0.26 -1.08 1.25 0.56 -0.93 -0.32 0.57 0.57
NBA 81-82 IND 25 -0.52 209 -0.87 224 51 800 212 1 .111 55 117 33 1 .469 194 .763 38 42 63 -1.83 -0.45 -1.46 -0.82 -1.12 -0.96 -0.16 0.00 2.14
NBA 80-81 IND 24 -0.67 235 -1.09 245 47 450 93 0 .000 43 70 23 1 .358 95 .781 32 28 38 -2.19 -0.51 -1.56 -1.30 -1.69 -0.95 -0.37 0.02 2.52
Per 36
NBA 89-90 MIL 33 -0.62 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 35 14.2 8.8 0.22 .250 1.4 6.8 1.16 0.15 .400 9.1 .818 1.6 1.6 2.9 -2.00 -0.54 -1.85 -0.30 -1.23 -0.82 -0.68 0.06 1.79
NBA 88-89 POR 32 -0.45 202 -0.54 207 25 15.6 9.4 0.28 .250 2.7 5.4 1.38 0.00 .442 9.6 .875 0.7 2.3 1.6 -1.56 -0.22 -1.37 0.57 -0.05 -0.88 -0.88 0.25 0.12
NBA 87-88 BOS 31 -0.40 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 52 13.3 11.0 0.52 .455 1.9 4.8 1.09 0.00 .541 8.9 .739 1.2 1.1 3.1 -1.62 -0.11 -1.59 -0.59 -1.12 -0.99 0.40 -0.07 2.06
NBA 86-87 BOS 30 -0.24 152 -0.50 198 78 20.1 10.3 0.16 .269 2.1 4.3 0.92 0.02 .508 9.1 .881 1.0 1.4 2.9 -1.35 -0.24 -1.46 0.11 -0.70 -0.89 0.41 0.33 1.64
NBA 85-86 BOS 29 -0.07 83 -0.26 148 82 19.5 12.1 0.14 .375 2.3 4.2 1.13 0.00 .570 9.3 .924 1.5 1.6 2.7 -1.13 -0.16 -1.29 0.04 -0.40 -0.84 1.25 0.64 1.25
NBA 84-85 IND 28 -0.06 94 -0.19 121 70 25.8 15.4 0.18 .243 2.3 5.3 0.94 0.08 .521 12.4 .875 2.5 2.0 2.3 -0.40 0.04 -1.33 0.48 -0.71 -0.79 0.55 0.82 0.78
NBA 83-84 IND 27 0.00 66 -0.14 105 80 31.2 13.2 0.09 .300 2.5 6.6 1.30 0.12 .532 10.8 .867 1.9 2.1 2.6 -0.82 -0.14 -1.35 1.03 -0.09 -0.86 0.69 0.67 0.83
NBA 82-83 IND 26 -0.13 106 -0.31 149 78 31.2 10.7 0.04 .167 2.3 6.4 1.54 0.03 .478 9.8 .860 1.6 2.0 2.7 -1.33 -0.31 -1.34 1.12 0.27 -0.85 -0.24 0.52 1.03
NBA 81-82 IND 25 -0.28 169 -0.48 193 51 15.7 9.5 0.05 .111 2.5 5.3 1.49 0.05 .469 8.7 .763 1.7 1.9 2.8 -1.53 -0.33 -1.32 0.70 0.27 -0.94 -0.48 0.03 1.08
NBA 80-81 IND 24 -0.62 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 47 9.6 7.4 0.00 .000 3.4 5.6 1.84 0.08 .358 7.6 .781 2.6 2.2 3.0 -2.10 -0.48 -1.47 -0.99 -1.32 -0.95 -0.58 0.02 2.26

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.