Armond Hill G | 6'4" 8 Seasons
Per Game
NBA 83-84 ATL 30 -0.69 282 -0.99 269 15 12.1 3.0 0.00 .000 0.7 2.3 0.47 0.00 .304 3.1 .810 1.4 0.9 2.0 -1.93 -0.54 -1.62 -0.43 -1.21 -0.99 -1.31 0.21 1.65
NBA 82-83 MIL 29 -0.46 198 -0.74 212 14 12.1 3.3 0.00 .000 1.4 1.9 0.64 0.00 .538 1.9 .818 1.6 0.9 1.4 -1.89 -0.59 -1.37 -0.65 -0.83 -0.99 0.17 0.35 1.69
NBA 81-82 SDC 28 -0.67 273 -0.84 238 40 18.1 3.6 0.00 .000 1.3 2.7 0.53 0.13 .421 3.2 .709 1.4 1.7 2.2 -1.84 -0.54 -1.36 -0.25 -0.98 -0.83 -0.53 -0.32 0.62
NBA 80-81 ATL 27 -0.47 198 -0.64 186 75 23.2 5.0 0.00 .000 2.1 3.9 0.88 0.15 .349 4.5 .820 2.3 1.7 2.8 -1.56 -0.48 -1.05 0.37 -0.51 -0.77 -1.39 0.44 0.71
NBA 79-80 ATL 26 -0.29 134 -0.35 122 79 26.5 6.1 0.01 .250 1.7 5.4 1.35 0.10 .411 5.5 .849 1.8 2.2 3.3 -1.39 -0.47 -1.26 1.25 0.39 -0.88 -0.91 0.57 0.10
NBA 78-79 ATL 25 -0.11 87 -0.13 92 82 30.8 10.2 N/A N/A 2.0 5.9 1.24 0.20 .434 8.3 .854 3.5 2.5 3.6 -0.61 N/A -1.07 1.42 0.28 -0.72 -1.17 1.19 -0.16
NBA 77-78 ATL 24 -0.09 81 -0.02 71 82 30.9 9.7 N/A N/A 2.8 5.2 1.84 0.18 .415 8.9 .848 2.7 2.9 3.7 -0.74 N/A -0.88 1.26 1.34 -0.72 -1.26 0.89 -0.63
NBA 76-77 ATL 23 -0.45 135 -0.45 135 81 22.5 6.0 N/A N/A 1.8 5.0 1.05 0.07 .399 5.4 .799 2.1 N/A 3.0 -1.31 N/A -1.31 1.22 -0.22 -0.92 -0.88 0.30 N/A
NBA 83-84 ATL 30 -0.72 284 -1.16 281 15 181 45 0 .000 10 35 7 0 .304 46 .810 21 14 30 -2.22 -0.59 -1.80 -1.30 -2.00 -0.98 -0.25 0.04 2.62
NBA 82-83 MIL 29 -0.67 254 -1.09 268 14 169 46 0 .000 20 27 9 0 .538 26 .818 22 13 20 -2.29 -0.59 -1.65 -1.43 -1.83 -0.97 0.03 0.07 2.65
NBA 81-82 SDC 28 -0.66 264 -0.97 248 40 723 145 0 .000 52 106 21 5 .421 126 .709 55 66 88 -1.98 -0.54 -1.47 -0.89 -1.42 -0.88 -0.28 -0.17 1.70
NBA 80-81 ATL 27 -0.47 181 -0.63 166 75 1738 375 0 .000 159 292 66 11 .349 335 .820 172 127 207 -1.55 -0.51 -1.05 0.37 -0.52 -0.76 -1.39 0.44 0.76
NBA 79-80 ATL 26 -0.27 121 -0.30 108 79 2092 479 1 .250 138 424 107 8 .411 431 .849 146 171 261 -1.26 -0.45 -1.20 1.29 0.47 -0.86 -0.98 0.60 -0.04
NBA 78-79 ATL 25 -0.06 78 -0.04 79 82 2527 838 N/A N/A 164 480 102 16 .434 682 .854 288 202 292 -0.49 N/A -1.01 1.54 0.44 -0.66 -1.28 1.32 -0.34
NBA 77-78 ATL 24 -0.05 73 0.06 64 82 2530 797 N/A N/A 231 427 151 15 .415 732 .848 223 240 302 -0.54 N/A -0.81 1.42 1.55 -0.69 -1.41 0.98 -0.87
NBA 76-77 ATL 23 -0.37 117 -0.37 117 81 1825 489 N/A N/A 143 403 85 6 .399 439 .799 174 N/A 245 -1.16 N/A -1.22 1.37 -0.08 -0.85 -0.98 0.31 N/A
Per 36
NBA 83-84 ATL 30 -0.69 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 15 12.1 9.0 0.00 .000 2.0 7.0 1.39 0.00 .304 9.1 .810 4.2 2.8 6.0 -1.93 -0.54 -1.62 -0.43 -1.21 -0.99 -1.31 0.21 1.65
NBA 82-83 MIL 29 -0.46 DNQ 0.00 DNQ 14 12.1 9.8 0.00 .000 4.3 5.8 1.92 0.00 .538 5.5 .818 4.7 2.8 4.3 -1.89 -0.59 -1.37 -0.65 -0.83 -0.99 0.17 0.35 1.69
NBA 81-82 SDC 28 -0.78 217 -0.75 215 40 18.1 7.2 0.00 .000 2.6 5.3 1.05 0.25 .421 6.3 .709 2.7 3.3 4.4 -2.02 -0.54 -1.28 0.70 -0.50 -0.71 -0.88 -0.46 -1.29
NBA 80-81 ATL 27 -0.46 194 -0.56 199 75 23.2 7.8 0.00 .000 3.3 6.0 1.37 0.23 .349 6.9 .820 3.6 2.6 4.3 -1.94 -0.38 -1.06 1.11 -0.09 -0.74 -1.76 0.58 0.13
NBA 79-80 ATL 26 -0.32 163 -0.33 157 79 26.5 8.2 0.02 .250 2.4 7.3 1.84 0.14 .411 7.4 .849 2.5 2.9 4.5 -1.90 -0.43 -1.40 1.74 0.66 -0.86 -0.98 0.62 -0.31
NBA 78-79 ATL 25 -0.21 136 -0.26 135 82 30.8 11.9 N/A N/A 2.3 6.8 1.45 0.23 .434 9.7 .854 4.1 2.9 4.2 -1.10 N/A -1.33 1.48 0.06 -0.75 -1.12 1.22 -0.12
NBA 77-78 ATL 24 -0.21 125 -0.14 94 82 30.9 11.3 N/A N/A 3.3 6.1 2.15 0.21 .415 10.4 .848 3.2 3.4 4.3 -1.17 N/A -1.09 1.31 1.13 -0.77 -1.21 0.93 -0.81
NBA 76-77 ATL 23 -0.26 117 -0.26 117 81 22.5 9.6 N/A N/A 2.8 7.9 1.68 0.12 .399 8.7 .799 3.4 N/A 4.8 -1.68 N/A -1.23 2.38 0.35 -0.84 -1.20 0.42 N/A

ptsV, 3sV, rebV, etc. = Values are expressed as standard scores where 0.0 is league average.

All values indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean, where a large positive is good (green) and a large negative is bad (red).

9-CatV = Value for leagues with 9-Category settings, default for Yahoo! (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%, TO)

8-CatV = Value for leagues with 8-Category settings, default for ESPN and CBS (Points, Threes, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, FG%, FT%)

All values assume league settings as 12 teams and 13 players per team.

Stats begin in 1951. Steals and Blocks were tracked starting in 1973, Turnovers 1977, and Threes 1979.

Players listed with "DNQ" for Per 36 Ranks did not meet qualifying minimums of 15 minutes per game and/or 5 games played.